Uptime, Uptime retourenportaal.nl, Background tasks, Importing, and 2 other services are down
Uptime retourenportaal.nl went down.
Database upgrade
For performance reasons we have decided to upgrade our database to a more stable machine.
Uptime retourenportaal.nl is down
Uptime is down
Uptime went down.
Uptime and Uptime retourenportaal.nl are down
Uptime and Uptime retourenportaal.nl went down.
Background tasks and Importing are down
Background tasks and Importing went down.
Server migration
We are migrating the server
Uptime and Uptime retourenportaal.nl recovered.
SSL Renewal
The returnportal is currently unavailable for most users. We have put the server into maintenance mode and wil inform you of any updates.